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Berserk Anime: Know The Facts Before Watching

You’ve heard a lot of buzz about the Berserk anime and you want to watch it, but you’re not sure how to go about it.

This series has two seasons with a total of 12 episodes and if you start from season one, you’ll miss out on a lot of important events in the story. To avoid confusion, watch the first three episodes of season 1 before watching any of season 2. This is because these three episodes will provide background information that will help viewers better understand the rest of the show.

The Berserk Anime

The Berserk anime is a Japanese dark fantasy series that follows the story of Guts, a cursed mercenary who has been branded for sacrifice as punishment for killing his own best friend. Guts embarks on a journey and meets several people who change his life forever – from the mysterious witch to the kind-hearted girl.

The show features an amazing soundtrack and superb action sequences. The anime is rated TV-MA for graphic violence, nudity, and some sexual content.

Berserk season 2 episode 1 was released on July 3, 2016 and the following episodes will be released at the end of each month until all 12 are out.

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Why You Should Watch Season One First

If you’re new to the Berserk anime, it might be a good idea for you to watch season one first. That way, instead of feeling lost during season two, you’ll have an idea of what’s going on. Some people like to jump right into season two without watching the first season because they want to avoid spoilers and find out what happens on their own. But if you’ve never seen the Berserk anime before, this can be confusing. So start with the first three episodes of the first season and then continue onto the second season. It will help you understand what’s going on in greater detail and will provide a more enjoyable experience while watching both seasons of this show.

Where to Watch Berserk

Berserk Anime2

To watch Berserk anime, you’ll need to find a way to legally access it. If you don’t want to buy the series on Blu-Ray or DVD, you can find the first two seasons of the show on Amazon Prime. You can also watch episodes of season 3 through Crunchyroll.

The Story of Berserk

Berserk is a dark fantasy manga that follows the story of Guts, a mercenary who relies on his brute strength and skill to survive. Guts’s drive for revenge leads him into many conflicts with other people and supernatural creatures. The series follows Guts’ violent journey alongside his companion, the mysterious elf Casca, from their days together in a mercenary band to the heights of political power and back to the desolate wilds of the kingdom they once swore to serve.

What To Expect From Berserk

The Berserk anime is a dark fantasy medieval-style series, and the story follows Guts, a mercenary. Guts is a strong protagonist who fights against impossible odds to make his way in life. It’s considered one of the top 5 best anime shows of all time and it’s recommended for viewers 17 years of age or older.

Berserk is an excellent series worth watching, but you should know a few things before you get started. For example, this show is rated TV-MA which means there are some graphic violent scenes that may not be appropriate for young children. Additionally, the show has explicit language and nudity so it’s not advised to watch with minors in the room. The content can be disturbing to some audiences, so keep in mind that this series isn’t just your average anime show.

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Berserk is a dark fantasy anime based on the manga of the same name. Though the anime is not without its fair share of lighthearted moments, it is still a serious and often violent show. If you’re going to watch Berserk, we recommend that you watch Season One first. That way, you can get used to the large ensemble cast and the story before diving into Season Two.

At the end of Season One, things are left in a very chaotic state. This is not a show for those looking for a happy ending or for those who need to know what happens next to feel satisfied. But for those who are in it for the long haul, Berserk is a fantastical story that has both action and romance and is sure to be fulfilling. Fine more Baki Shoes at

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