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The Buffalo Bills’ Tremaine Edmunds: From His Childhood to His NFL Career

Tremaine Edmunds is heading into his rookie season with the Buffalo Bills. He’s one of the youngest players on the team, and is also one of the most talked about rookies in this year’s draft. As a child, he dealt with a lot of adversity. That led to him becoming an even better player than he is now. Tremaine Edmunds is proof that you can overcome anything you face in life, and that your past doesn’t define you.

Here, are some ways to show how Tremaine Edmunds overcame his obstacles and rose to NFL stardom.

History of Tremaine Edmunds

Tremaine Edmunds buffalo bills

Edmunds was born in Charlottesville, Virginia in 1998. The youngest of six kids, he was the “baby” of the family. As a child, he loved to play sports and did so to the best of his ability. One of his favorite sports was soccer. He said that it was a great way to keep him active and help him exercise.

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But, he also loved sports and going to the football games. As a kid, he said that he always wanted to be a professional athlete, so he would go to the games and try to find any girls he could. He also liked playing video games and preferred the Nintendo 64, but he was also playing X-Box 360 and Wii Sports.

Because of the abuse he faced in his life, he knew that he was going to be a great athlete because he could combine his athletic ability with his new sense of strength.

Childhood to NFL Career

The day of Edmunds’ birth, was a rough day. He was born on February 2, 1997, in Buffalo, New York. His mother had gone into labor early, and had complications that almost killed her. Her doctor told her that if she were to give birth to her second child, she would likely die. Luckily, she got through it, and Tremaine was born healthy.

However, his childhood was not easy. His mother wanted him to be raised in a good home, and so she moved to the Hampton Roads, Virginia area. It was far from where he grew up in Buffalo. It was a place that is considered by many as one of the poorest areas of the country.

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Edmunds and his mother moved into a small, two-story house. His grandparents lived in the basement of the house, and his mother slept in an upstairs bedroom.

How did Tremaine overcome his challenges?

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Growing up in a family of soldiers and crack addicts was not easy. His brother and father are both serving in the military, and his mother lost her leg to cancer. His father started selling drugs when Tremaine was just two years old, and his mother eventually died.

“It was a hard upbringing,” Tremaine explained in a video about him, released by the NFL. “And my friends growing up were the same. So it’s hard for me to even give advice to kids. And I mean this. I’m only 19 years old.”

Despite these hardships, Tremaine rose to his heights. After his mom died, he stayed home from school for a while. Then, his father took off to Africa and abandoned his family. His father’s mother raised him as a single mother, and later, Tremaine was adopted by his stepmother.

What does the future hold for Tremaine Edmunds?

Tremaine is a projected starter in his first season. He will be filling the void left by the longtime NFL veteran, Kyle Williams. Although Williams was more than worthy of a starting spot, Edmunds is expected to be the guy to step in and replace him. He can also play on the line at linebacker. This means, there will be even more pressure on him to excel. However, there is no reason to believe that Edmunds won’t be able to handle the pressure.

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When he is not on the field, he is usually in the classroom. Tremaine Edmunds has already been accepted into Harvard’s medical school, and is planning to take the GMAT to be eligible for medical school. He plans to pursue his medical degree after football, and has high hopes of reaching the NFL Hall of Fame.

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