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Los Angeles Rams Mascot

The Los Angeles Rams Mascot: A Brief History and Why It Matters

The Los Angeles Rams mascot is a ram with an American Flag painted on its side. It’s also known as “Big Rams” and is the only professional team with a live ram mascot. The ram was chosen because it was seen as a symbol of strength, leadership, and hard work. Rams fans are passionate about their team and tailgating in front of the stadium is one of their favorite activities. As the second NFL franchise to adopt this concept, the Los Angeles Rams have created one of the most unique mascots in sports history. Here, are some ways that you can show your support for this great tradition!

History of the Los Angeles Rams Mascot

First, the Los Angeles Rams mascot is known as “Big Rams.” The name is derived from Mr. Big, a cartoon character developed in 1946 for Al Capp’s comic strip. The ram was chosen because it was seen as a strong symbol of leadership and hard work.

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Next, the Los Angeles Rams were the second NFL franchise to adopt this concept in 2012 with their live mascot. Other teams like Washington Redskins, Seattle Seahawks, Dallas Cowboys, and New Orleans Saints also use live mascots but none are more unique than the Los Angeles Rams.

Big Rams became an instant hit at games and has done well in capturing the hearts of fans young and old. It has also helped with team bonding among players by providing them with a personal touch unlike any other mascot in sports history!

Now that you know some background information on why Big Rams is so special to sports history, let’s get into some fun ways to show your support for this great tradition!

Why is it important to have a live ram mascot?

Los Angeles Rams Mascot 2

A live mascot is a staple of the Los Angeles Rams. They have one of the most unique mascots in sports history, with a ram that’s painted red, white, and blue to represent their team colors.

The ram is seen as a symbol of strength, leadership, and hard work. Rams fans are passionate about their team and tailgating in front of the stadium is one of their favorite activities. As the second NFL franchise to adopt this concept, the Los Angeles Rams have created one of the most unique mascots in sports history.

Los Angeles Rams fans are very proud of their team and their mascot! So show your support for this great tradition by cheering on your home team with these awesome ways to show your love for Big Rams!

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The Ram’s Purpose

The Rams mascot has a very interesting history. When the Rams franchise moved to Los Angeles in 1946, it was seen as a way of building a connection between the team and the people. The ram is a strong symbol of hard work and leadership, which was seen as a positive characteristic for the city.

In order to make Torrance Stadium feel more like home, the team began to use “Big Rams” as an unofficial mascot during games. They were painted on cars and trucks and would even sometimes get their own parking spots! Eventually, “Big Rams” would become the official mascot in 1949 with its creation by cartoonist Irv Kupcinet.

It’s been almost 80 years since Kupcinet’s creation of “Big Rams,” and he still serves as an important tradition for this great tradition. Today, there are few things more iconic than seeing thousands of fans running out onto the field with “Big Rams” at their side.

How are Rams fans passionate about their team?

The Los Angeles Rams have a storied history of success. In 1946, the team won its first championship with a victory over the Cleveland Rams in the NFL Championship Game. In 1949, they became one of four NFL teams to remain unbeaten and untied as they won consecutive championships. They also continue to be one of just three teams to win consecutive Super Bowls and were the first team to play in three straight Super Bowls.

Rams fans are passionate about their team because it has such a rich and deep history that stretches all the way back to 1937. This is why Rams fans love to tailgate outside of their stadium before games, which has become one of the most popular pregame activities for them. This tradition began in 1948 when fans started gathering on Brighton Boulevard for food or drinks and watching football games on TV from portable stands.

Your support for this great tradition is incredibly important! Here are some ways you can show your support:

1) Buy a burger at a local stand on game day before trying out any new recipes at home: It’s true that if you want your wings, ribs, or burgers to taste like they come from inside an actual stadium (not just your oven), then you might want to try these

Things you can do to support the Los Angeles Rams Mascot

Whether you’re a fan of the team or not, there are still ways to support and cheer for the Los Angeles Rams.

If you’re a fan, don’t forget to wear your team colors and get into the spirit of the game! And if you’re not supporting them yet, make sure you tune in to watch their next game!

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If you’re not a fan of football, but love animals and want to show your support for this great tradition, check out these other unique points of view:

The Los Angeles Rams mascot has been around since 1937 and is one of the most unique mascots in sports. Show your support for this iconic symbol by wearing your team colors and cheering on the Rams at their next game. There are also many ways that you can show your support even if you’re not a card-carrying fan.

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